2024/12/10: Added indications of i-stem and terminations
2024/12/8: Updated About section, adjusted lexicon to include transitivity
2024/12/7: Updated About section
2024/12/6: New BGM and SFX choices, accepted masculine form of 4th principal part, fixed all known vocabulary errors, updated to real-time scoring
2024/12/5: Released! Added background color option
2024/12/14: Added this message.
Facit!!! is a Latin learning game designed to help you practice and improve your Latin vocabulary and grammar skills.
Discipuli, this game is designed to let you retain (or learn) all the Latin I knowledge.
It is up to you whether you want to practice using it, but there will be great (not necessarily good) things awaiting you in Latin II however you choose.
There may or may not be a $50.00 gift card giveaway to whoever practices the most Latin during the off season! Vita bona erit!
Souta Kidosaki - CTO, CMO, and pest control
Arden Lu - CDO and manual labor
Eu Park - CAO and creative works
Joshua Hyun - CEO and free rider (for now)
Meg Merlino - Voice Actress and magister
Tom Bloom - Voice Actor, magister alter, and for rejecting Souta from Latin II
and transferring Arden to Latin I because Spanish I was full, making this project possible
Latin I class - for providing information and demand (exempli gratia "What is a verb?")
Romulus et Remus - for founding the city that makes this language vibrant
Tom Bloom's Latin Glossary: A comprehensive dictionary for all uses
Latin is Simple Dictionary: This can translate from Latin to English and English to Latin, but pay attention to the accuracy of the entries as everyone can edit.
Wheelock's Latin: A comprehensive textbook that teaches you grammar enough to get you past Latin III. We have covered Chapters 1-8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25 and parts of Chapters 11, 13, 20, and 22. It also has its accompanied exercises and readings.
Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: A purely Latin textbook that teaches you Latin using a hands-on style. It differs considerably from the method we use to learn Latin, so you have to start from the beginning.
Fabulae Syrae: A Latin reader (collection of short stories) designed to accompany Lingua Latina, but can be used as reading exercise on its own.
Latin for the New Millenium: The textbook that we use! We have went through Chapters 1-14. Feel free to continue!
Nota bene: We will NOT be using any of these textbooks in Latin II or III. However, continuing on your own will make your life significantly easier!
Be mindful that these textbooks go over content in slightly different orders, so do not easily overlook a section!
These textbooks cost money, but there are pirated versions online. Please definitely do not use them.
You'll receive a Latin word. You'll first need to determine the part of speech, then proceed according to the following:
Nouns: enter the genitive singular form (in plural only forms, genitive plural), choose the correct gender, and if you could enter the definition for us, that would be greatly appreciated!
Verbs: enter the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th principal parts and the definition as well. If a prinicpal part does not exist, please leave it blank. Both the masculine and neuter forms are accepted for 4th principal part.
Adjectives: enter the feminine and neuter nominative singular forms and the definition.
Prepositions: select the case the word takes and enter the definition.
Conjunctions and Adverbs: enter the definition.
While entering the definition, enter the definition that best fits the context given. Keep in mind that only one definition is required. Usually they will be one word long. Omit the "to" in verb definitions.
You will receive all English translations of a Latin word, as well as the corresponding blanks that indicate the part of speech. Fill in the blanks with the Latin forms.
Facit is the third person singular present active indicative form of facio, facere, feci, factum, meaning "to make" or "to do". It also has a very cool singular imperative, which is...
$50.00 is granted for No.1!
100pts = $1.00